lördag 31 december 2016

Wishes for a lovely new year, and another Estonian Jewel

Here we are, another year has come to an end. It has been a good year in many was and a very bad one in other ways.

The knitting project has a couple of repeats left before I can move on to the edging. 3mm needles and a very thin yarn takes some time with all the nupps along the way.

I have to give it a hard block to untangle these little bird's nests of nupps, the yarn is a bit uneven (in a good way!). The fuzzyness of the yarn makes the fiber cling together but it'll become a lovely lace.

Happy new year everybody!

tisdag 20 december 2016

Birch leaf socks ready for Christmas eve

I'm so glad I managed to finish my Birch Leaf socks on time such that I can spend Christmas in these socks. I will also slip into something very comfortable, and that is the new nighting gown I sew on Saturday.

 Knitting lace in such a flimsy yarn may be a waste of yarn overs since they just blend up with the light coloured areas. But, yarn overs Are so much more fun to knit.

They took 65g of The Birch yarn which Fjällbo Shop hand dyed for me in October, and I have another 39g to use on something smaller. I haven't got a clue what yarn this is really, but it's about 400m/100g and 2mm needles were just perfect.

måndag 19 december 2016

Spetsstickningskurs på Halmens hus?

Snart är våren här, och med den ser det ut som om det blir kurs igen! Halmens Hus i Bengtsfors har hört av sig och det kan väl inte bli mer perfekt? Fina Bengtsfors och bästa hantverkshuset😀.

Under tiden testar jag att sticka min Estonian Jewel i Jamieson's & Smith 1-trådiga Shetlandsspetsstickningsgarn. Det är ljuvligt luddigt, och tunt och så fint även till Estnisk spets. Till det garnet provar jag 3,0mm Chiaogoo Lace. Rolig rundsticka! Trots 80cm lång wire så sprätter den snällt tillbaka till ursprungsformen igen när jag vänder varv. Ikke noe kröll på ledning'a her ikke! Jag är nästan litet förvirrad över att det funkar så bra, ni vet ju att jag är ett fan av Addi Lace.

onsdag 7 december 2016

Björksockar/ Birch socks

This yarn has ben hand dyed besöker for me by my friend.

Very easy pattern with a reinforced heel achieved by liftning every second stitch on the "good side".

One more to go... 2mm needles... But I hope these will be finished by Christmas.

The pattern is from the book A Gatehering of Lace. I will de finitively knit more socks from this pattern, it's a very well written instruction.

Johanna på Fjällbo shop har färgat detta fina björkmönstrade garn efter mina önskemål. Mycket fint!

Efter Stickstämman i Ransberg har det inte blivit så mycket stickat, men nu minsann var det dax för mys i soffan med stickning och en kopp te en stund varje kväll igen.

Jag stickar med 2mm strumpstickor, har inte fallit för magic loop ännu.

En socka kvar att sticka.