lördag 9 oktober 2010

Salvation to cultural starvation

Yesterday I realised I'm suffering from cultural starvation. It has been going on for nine years, since I moved to Åmål. But spontaneously the cultural level reached its maximum yesterday. There was an asian after work at Not Quite We did expect it to be a nice evening, but it was really something extra. After finishing the sushi (they also made a kids meal sushi which my six year old kid surprised me by actually having every piece of), which was excellent, a presentation by a Japanese artist started, see http://onys.net/. It hit me by surprise and we all keept saying wow over and over again. After the presentation we started talking to the artist, and even if the exhibition was closed for the day, he unlocked the door to the art gallery and again we started wow-ing. My six year old said -This beats Swedish Idol! So, just don't miss it or you'll regret it.

With thin sheets of plastic and glue this fantastic pouring rain on sea effect arise. It took the artist two weeks to assemble, and this installation is small compared to previous work!

Will this inspire my future knitting? I hope it will, or in some other area maybe.

2 kommentarer:

Systrarna Hjertén sa...

Spännande! Det finns ju faktiskt möjlighet till lite kulturupplevelser även här, det gäller bara att vara på sin vakt...

Trevlig helg!

Anonym sa...
